The Popstar System
we're bodily 27 years old
collectively go by it/ starself pronouns.
check out our roster for more info!
Approximate System Roster
accuracy will always be more or less kind of guesswork. we have polyfrag splitting patterns and it's difficult to keep up with lmao
we also keep emojis next to each of our names as a sort of... key? association? something like that
our main fronters and the subsystems that comprise them;
-💀Zero: Dave, Bubblegum, Guzma, Oleander
-🎸Riot: Marceline, Hal, Jason, Sunny, Mal
-🚀Blue: Wyatt, Finn, John, & Proto
secondary fronters (Green is the only one with a subsystem we think);
-🌻Green: Fern & Lotty
internal-only/ (almost) never fronts;