hey im Dave. i collect names tho so feel free to use what you know.
27, nonbinary trans, gender enigma. he/they pronouns if we're strangers but if we're friends you can use any (tho i'll cycle between preferred ones).
primary host of a system but things have gotten a lot more active so sometimes our socials will get "hijacked" by our other alters. good luck w/ the interest shifts

yeah idfk anymore im benching this train of thought for now actually this whoooole page gotta get reorganized. disregard <3


+ dragonkin, crow theriotype

vague non-kin IDs

some are in an unsure limbo and might actually be mental health related?

we're the Popstar system (it/they collectively). if you (or we, lmao) don't know who's fronting/ if we're particularly blurry, you can just call us by our system name.pls be patient w/ us bc our ability to socialize is highly varied between alters.
we're also in a heavily active period of recovery in our life; our energy and mental clarity will fluctuate a lot.
the main group has "about" pages that can be reached by clicking our icons!gonna be honest we're gonna overhaul this whole thing lol

Dollhouse subsystem (semi-separated, ringed);

we tend to be aware n active the most and/or have the most direct input. essentially "the main system."subgroups; the Corpse (Dave, Riot, & Blue) and the Trinity (Echo, Hollow, & Proto).

(Peri & Mari are also in this subsystem & are the core of it, but don't usually interact with the world outside of headspace.)

Outer Ring (floaters);

the more "situationally present" members of the main system. they tend to be more passive/ internally focused, and/or co-front with others rather than front directly. external appearances are usually erratic and infrequent.

*fern is part of a subsystem but we're not worrying about the fine details on here rn
*secondary note; lotty is in the same subsystem as fern

other actives

basically "the rest of the (active) system." for our own ease this section wont be organized like the others bc these members are almost exclusively active internally (unless a critical shift in our function occurs).
friends and acquaintances can ask questions but even we dont know too much about the structure and who's present beyond here. we're still learning!

(+ Dadler and Tally but we wanna make them new icons. lmao oops)

emoji key:
- 💡 = frequent fronters. if you talk to us regularly then you've probably spoken with them.
- 🧸 = little alter (kids).- 🎮 = middle alter (teens).- ☕ = adult alter.- 🪀 = age slider.- 🌟 = ageless or age-vague alter. may also have another age indicator to show approximation.

Dave/ Zero
fictive of Davesprite from Homestuck. also kind of just a ghost cat.
agevague, fluctuates. ・ he/it, neopronouns fluctuate ・ t4t demi-ro bi lesbian
quick descriptors;
> Dave: Avoid Engage in the socially awkward event of introductions.

"I. HATED. COLLEGE. all the other daves at my subsystem made me do the fortnite dance and they shouted 'go scemo boy go'" -crow
probably our most complex and everpresent system member(s). simultaneously has used to have a semi-separated subsystem and a container subsystem thing going on, but uh, that got duct taped back together. were the ones present for most of our traumas, though not retaining most of the memories at first.born furry raver. likes talking about game mechanics, space, dinosaurs, bugs (the creatures), and bugs (the game glitches). has a special love for YTPs, and sentence mixing in particular.
also loves crabs the crabs the crabs the crabs

Box Kingdom (contained subsystem);

fused alters;

- Link, Cass, Merc, Crow, & Sugar (w/ Dave)
- Grudge, Ray, BRVR, Mephiles, Galacta, Zacharie, Steven, Quirrel, Ed, & Orion (w/ Zero)

Riot / Valentine / Val
4-tailed undead kitsune. boo!
age slider, but it's like... "ancient deity" vs "i'm kid now," with not much in between, lmao. ・ she/he/it, rotself/ hymnself/ faerself ・ t4t bi lesbian
quick descriptors;
passionate ・ candid ・ rash ・ vigilant ・ loyal

i've held onto a lot of our worst memories, so i can still be a lil jumpy. sometimes i use dark humor to cope (no, not ""dark humor"" disguised as bigotry). lemme know if i ever cross a line/ made anyone uncomfy.
PLUR lifestylist, music enthusiast, slasher lover, gaymer, cryofrozen forums user, gardening enjoyer even if i don't have the energy anymore (thank you succulents for bein easy 2 care for).still settling back into myself, but having the terminology to explain some things has been helping me be less confused now.#1 girlgrill dad (-dave wuz here)

contained subsystem;

fused alters;

vague identifiers??
some might be kins, some feel closer to being mental health related, some may be some other vague connection, idk.

+ snakes, black goats (baphomet...?), undead (mostly vampires & ghosts), fallen angels, demons, mourning doves, foxes, dragons, robots, dolls

ghost doggy :) werewolf? full time wolf? big puppy!
15-ish currently, vaguely age slides ・ any pronouns + pi/pika/piself ・ aro/ace, but like, rly homo about it.
quick descriptors;
energetic ・ impulsive ・ compassionate ・ impatient ・ carefree

modern day jester in scemo clothing. would wear the jingly shoes to match. if you can rival his energy he'll love you, but have fun bc it'll amp him up more. needs a dozen things to do at once all the time, or a couple particularly engaging things to hyperfocus on, or else he gets bored easy.
PLUR lifestylist & music lover as well. especially loves drum & bass, EDM, emo, punk rock & metalcore but will try anything. 2000s/ 2010s flash, SFM, & GMOD animations and rage comics are where the internet peaked to him.THINK FAST CHUCKLENUTS CHUCK FAST THINKLENUTS"guys i think im traumatized" -blue in complete sincerity (we love you dude)

contained subsystem;

integrated alters;

mixed fictive of Omori (from... Omori) and The World Machine from Oneshot.
would prefer not to talk about sources.
12 - 16 (age slider) ・ he/it(/she for friends when in the mood/possibly trying rotself pronouns?)
quick descriptors;
impish ・ secretive ・ protective ・ quiet ・ playful

will eat your candy while you're not looking. (will then give you new candy to replace the swiped one.) be sure to communicate clearly with him, he takes things very literally. mischief maker, sweet tooth haver, vocaloid enjoyer, gamer.
acts as a gatekeeper for our system.

Hollow (friends may use Hollie)
fictive of the Hollow Knight from.. er.. Hollow Knight.
source talk is a delicate topic for it. dont press on it if it becomes uncomfortable.
agevague adult ・ it/they ・ aro/ace
quick descriptors;
reserved ・ cautious ・ curious ・ melancholy ・ selfless

it tends to observe more than engage in terms of social situations. it cares deeply of our loved ones, but is incredibly unsure of how to interact with them.
it takes on a caring role in our system. if it's in front directly, it's usually because frequent fronters need to rest so as not to exhaust themselves.words do not always come easy to it. please be patient.

fictive of Prototype from Oneshot.
prefers not to talk abt his source.
20s ・ he/it/they ・ chooses not to label orientation
quick descriptors;
analytical ・ apathetic ・ reclusive ・ diligent ・ determined

the internal self helper of the Dollhouse subsystem. has a blunt/ straightforward disposition. actually the more we describe his mannerisms the more we're just like "oh, our autism was stored in the Trinity, huh"
unlikely to socialize much, currently can't hold front long on his own.
if he's alone in front then we're usually in crisis management mode.
melted peppermint into a slimy goo on the stove once because the instructions for "peppermint mocha" were highly misunderstood